I have celiac disease and I have to eat gluten-free. 2 of my children also have celiac disease. It's been almost 2 years of being diagnosed and although it's easier to "swallow" the fact that I have to eat gluten-free for health reasons it certainly hasn't gotten a whole lot easier.
I cheated and ate some regular brownies a couple of months ago that were sitting on our counter just screaming my name. I begged my husband to take them for lunch but he didn't. I couldn't bare to throw them out so I ate them. I think I felt more happiness in the anticipation of eating them then actually eating them. What I think has happened my taste buds in my month have adjusted to my new eating ways. I did not enjoy them. I did not feel that "this-is-so-good" feeling like I used too. So maybe this is a good thing in the long run.
I am a totally sweets person! I love all things that are yummy. So when I received the letter showing that my blood work indicated that I had celiac disease I was devastated. That meant no more sticky buns at Cici's pizza, no more chocolate chip cookie with my sub at Subway, or no more sugar cone at Baskin Robbins.
Now that I am on the diet, I have found recipes that taste pretty close to the gluten version. Like these chocolate chip cookie recipe that I clipped from a newspaper article. They might now rise up like a normal cookie would do but they taste awesome! Plus I will freeze them. So all I have to do is pull out a cookie 3 to 4 times a day now and then and I have instant yummy goodness!
So here's my process pictures....I could probably eat a fair amount of this batter. But I remember my Mother always saying, "it has raw eggs in it - not too much".
My little helper trying to get into the picture. Or should I say he was trying to swipe a finger in my dough when I wasn't looking.
Look at that cookie! Chocolate chips are still formed but warm and gooey.
For snack that day I thought I would make little flags for their cookies. Also I severed them with lemonade with real lemons on the glasses. And I even got out glass glasses and fabric napkins! We never bring those out!
My daughter came up from the basement and saw the arrangement and asked, "Who's coming for snack?" They were soo excited that it was all for them! It's always fun to do something out of the ordinary...every once in awhile.
If anyone is interested in the recipe just email me. I can scan it in and email it to you.
Thanks for stopping.
Bye for now!

Yes, I would love the recipe. Thank you.
I too have Celiacs so I'm 3 yrs GF. I would love the recipe! Crystal.Granite@gmail.com thanks!